- Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Thyroid
- High Cholesterol
- Overweight and Obesity
- Various skin Diseases
- Gastrointestinal Issues
- Stomach Ulcers
- Asthma
- Allergies

- Routine Annual Physical Exams for All Age Groups
- Screening for Various Cancers Such As:
- Prostate
- Colon
- Breast
- Cervical
- Immunizations
- Employment Physical

Our urgent care clinic in Garland, Texas, offers evaluations and management for:
- Allergic Reactions
- Acute Asthma
- Wounds, Cuts, and Minor Lacerations.
- Simple Incision and Drainage
- Sprains/Strains
- Cough, Cold, Flu, and Strep Throat.
- Minor Burns
- Infections (Ear, Eye, Throat, Skin, Sinus and Urinary)
- Shingles
- Headache and Migraine Management
- Sexually Transmitted Infections

- Well Child Exam
- Annual Physical Exam / School and Sports Physical Exams
- Immunizations

- Annual Women Well Check Exam
- Pap Smear
- Human Papillomavirus Test (HPV)
- Breast Exam
- Pregnancy Test
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

- Botox for Migraines
- Headache Cocktail
- Various Injections Like B12, Seroids, Analgesics and Tetanus
- Immunization Administration
- Skin Biopsies
- Nebulizer Treatment
- IUD Insertion and Removal
- Incision and Drainage of Skin Abscess
- Foreign Body Removals
- Suture and Suture Removal
- Wart, Nails, and Skin Tag Removal
- Trigger Point Injections
- Ear Wax Removal

( Not covered by Insurance )
- Botox
- Fillers (Juvederm)

- Clia waived rapid tests for most of the common diseases.
- Lab services in-house for specimen collections.